When the COVID pandemic hit with full force in March, FortneyScott commenced complimentary weekly briefings to aid employers in understanding and responding to the rapidly changing developments created by the pandemic. The briefings we’ve provided for the last three months (12 weeks) were extremely popular and well attended.
Now, as we enter into a phase where the updates are not as rapid and employers have begun to adapt to the virus-induced changes, we will continue to provide briefings on workplace developments twice a month. In our briefings, we will address COVID pandemic-related updates, particularly as they affect re-opening workplaces. Additionally, we will cover other major issues affecting our society, including the #BlackLivesMatter developments as well as key judicial, legislative, and policy changes. Of course, as developments warrant, we will provide alerts, or convene an additional special briefing.
We will implement the new schedule in July, and the next briefings will be held on July 13 and July 27 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 Eastern . The July 13 Briefing will, in large part, review the recent decisions of the Supreme Court and their impact on your workplace. You can register here to attend the July 13 briefing.
We look forward to continuing our briefings, and assisting our clients and all who are interested in understanding the latest developments affecting the workplace.
For more information:
Please forward this information to those in your organization who could benefit from these Weekly Briefings.
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