FS March 8 Employer Briefing
Biden Administration & the Workplace
FS February 8 Employer Briefing
Biden Administration & the Workplace
FS January 14 Higher Ed Briefing
Higher Education Labor & Employment Law Update; What to Expect Under the Biden/Harris Administration
FS January 11 Employer Briefing
Biden Administration & the Workplace
FS January 6 Vaccine Webinar
COVID-19 Vaccine Challenge
FS December 7 Employer Briefing
The Transition & the Biden Presidency
FS November 9 Employer Briefing
FortneyScott’s attorneys discuss what post-election changes are likely in the response to the COVID resurgence and the prospects of a broader re-opening
FS October 19 Employer Briefing
FortneyScott’s attorneys cover problems confronting employers and workers as they slowly return to pre-COVID 19 activities while Congress fails to provide assistance
FS September 21 Employer Briefing
FortneyScott’s attorneys discuss problems confronting employers and workers as they slowly return to pre-COVID 19 activities while Congress fails to provide assistance
FS August 24 Employer Briefing
FortneyScott’s attorneys address (1) the latest developments affecting employers operating during the COVID pandemic;
FS July 27 Employer Briefing
FortneyScott’s attorneys cover possible expansion of COVID assistance including liability safe harbors for employers; renewed interest in Pay Equity
FS July 13 Employer Briefing
FortneyScott’s attorneys discuss COVID-19 hot spots, and workers reluctant to return to work; renewed interest in Diversity & Inclusion as well as demands
FS June 22 Weekly Briefing
After reviewing the latest developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, FortneyScott’s attorneys discuss the critically important decision of the Supreme Court extending Title VII protections to LGBTQ individuals.
FS June 15 Weekly Briefing
FortneyScott’s attorneys and WorkPlace HR consultant are joined by Joanne Irving, an expert on mental health issues in the workplace.
FS June 8 Weekly Briefing
FortneyScott’s attorneys discuss the most recent developments and updates, and also address key wage and hour and compensation challenges employers face during the Pandemic.
FS June 1 Weekly Briefing
Most recent developments as well as key legal challenges employers face in reopening their offices, including: operations, developing a preparedness plan, addressing employee concerns, and accommodating employees with COVID-related issues.
FS May 18 Weekly Briefing
Most recent developments as well as key legal challenges employers are facing, including: liability claims, wage and hour compliance, layoffs, and administering the new paid sick and family obligations.
FS May 11 Weekly Briefing
Discussion with Special Guest Speaker from J&J on what steps have been taken for their workforce and maintaining its focus on diversity and inclusion during the pandemic.
FS May 4 Weekly Briefing
Review of the legal and practical issues that will arise when employers re-open their businesses.
FS April 27 Weekly Briefing
Overview of the operational changes and key developments from the federal agencies governing the workplace in response to the pandemic.
FS April 20 Weekly Briefing
Providing an overview of the new Federal Guidelines, Federal Agency developments, and addressing FAQs.
FS April 13 Weekly Briefing
Addressing legal and HR challenges in the current workplace.
FS April 6 Weekly Briefing
Providing an update on key developments and the new and expanded unemployment benefit provisions under the PUA and FPUC.
FS March 30 Weekly Briefing
Addressing the new federal paid sick and family leave enacted in the Family Friendly and CARES Acts.
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